Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Card Games

My roommate currently brought his YuGiOh cards to "bring it back".  WTF, that game is so weird.  I used to play magic the gathering back in the day and everything was sensible.  You needed a certain amount of mana to play cards.  With yugioh you just put out one monster card a turn with 4 stars or less.  I doesn't make sense why you would have 2 or 3 star cards in your deck since 4 star cards are usually better and are able to be played similarly.  Then you "tribute" the 4 or less star card to play a higher than 4 star card. 

Magic is way more logical.  I used to know a guy who collected tons of magic cards 10 years ago.  I can't believe how these games are still somewhat popular.  Pokemon, yugioh, and magic have been around for a while if you think about.  The money these guys must be making.  $20 for 60 cards was what I used to pay.

I used to have a Green monster deck, and a zombie deck.  Burn decks were amazing.  Flying decks were annoying as hell.  I think I'll whip out my magic cards over the summer.


  1. I use to play magic and yugioh. Magic is more complex but yugioh has better looking monsters :P

  2. magic = awesome

    used to play back in th day

  3. Yugioh was most amazing thing, I still play it sometimes

  4. Never played magic, but really admired the artwork.

  5. I played with pokemon cards like all day way back haha

  6. I never played yugioh but i played magic.

  7. I never played Magic but YGO is for me an awesome card game !

  8. I'd like to make some artwork for Magic cards ... or something else that has cards in it! :P

  9. I used to collect pokemon cards, recently sold them for a good price!

  10. Magic was fun. Yugioh is just weird.

  11. haha yugioh is wierd as shit
    pokemon "was" where it was at

  12. I loved pokemon and I had a black white spirit deck

  13. I used to play Pokemon back in the day. And I mean WAY back in the day.

    Oh, May of 2011, How I miss thee!

    AKA: I still play Pokemon and I'm a grown ass dude.

  14. I've never had a deck of cards before, but my brother liked them

  15. I never got into magic. I thought it was too complicated.

  16. The only card game I play is Cribbage. I rock it like an elderly retiree homies.

  17. I always collected pokemon cards, but never played the game. It was always way too much work. Normal card games are much easier I think : -p

  18. magic was the most fun to play, yugi oh and pokemon were more fun to collect.

  19. Never even played PokEmon when I had the cards so I'd be useless here :P

  20. i just got a zapdos, ut never played

  21. I always hated Yugioh and pokemon card games, really confusing...

  22. i love card games :) in general.

  23. magic cards looked much better than yugioh imo

  24. nah i am not much into cards :D

  25. Not much into cards either well not into YuGiOh or any of those games anyway.

  26. yeah tickets were about 70, plus gas, plus drugs and it gets up there haha and i wish i could go to EDC

  27. pokemon was the best, not because the game was good but think about how many millions of packs they sold...

  28. Pokemon is best, i still wanna play it :D

  29. I prefer electronic stimulation. Never got into non-casino style card games.

  30. props for magic, it's still the king of card games!

  31. i actualy like yu gi oh to be honest, it just takes a while to get used to the different rules

  32. Used to play them both, but magic was better. Green and red deck ftw =D

  33. I still play pokemon sometimes, but with my 18 year old brother, not as an adult ;)

  34. Went through a period myself playing Yugioh and MTG-- money sinks, the both of them
